Servicio de asistencia
Principal / Ayuda



If you have any questions, please contact our General Customer Service. When sending a request please specify your ID or login in our system so we can resolve your problem quicker. ID is displayed in the upper left corner of your personal account. Support service responds within 24 hours.


If you have any technical issues or errors, please stop the game at location of error and take a screenshot of the error if possible (Print Screen button on your keyboard) or take photo by phone; if possible, please save a link to the log of the last game spin in the admin panel; please also select the files log.date.txt, Crush_number.crush and Crush_number.dmp (if available) from the folder where the casino is installed and send them to us with a description of the problem. Do not play while we consider your problem and fix it.

General Customer Service: support@stargame.games

Support via Telegram: @StargameSupportOfficial +60176162871

Support via Skype: login support@stargame.games, username Support Official